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Thinking Man on Couch

No matter what life throws at you, there is always help and support by people who care

Who We Are

We are a Counselling and Trauma Centre that provides a range of Counselling, Trauma and Holistic Therapies to the Community. We are a hub that many could come to and find their healing, their hope of visions and dreams.

What We Do

We offer a wide range of services to help people in need of support for their mental health recovery, their emotional well-being and to build resilience with the challenges they face.

Why Choose Us

With over 20 years’ experience helping people in all walks of life, OTS has the knowledge and resources to enable you to achieve a more sustained recovery that will establish a fresh new pattern of growth. Trust us and flourish!

Meet the Team

What our clients say

"I can't believe how far I came with you. I will probably want to do some more sessions in the future as currently I am able to do the injections I can see. But long term want to get further into the recovery."


"An experience too phenomenal to put into words. I am now able to sleep through the night. I cant remember the last time I could."


"Joyce has been amazing, so relatable, understanding and puts you at ease. If I’d known this was so effective I would have done this years ago. After 10 years of complex PTSD I am now free."


Partners & Associates

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©2021 by Olive Tree Therapy Solutions

Please Note:

We do not operate a crisis service. Read this Disclaimer.

If you feel unwell or distressed, please contact your GP, a walk in centre or go to A&E where you will be seen by a team of mental health professionals. Alternatively, call the Samaritans on their free number - 116 123

196-198 Edward Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham. B12 9LX

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