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Solution Focused Therapy (SFT)

This is a useful therapy to help you create a better outcome for your situation, without having to go over the problems again and again. It is possible that thinking more optimistically and creating a preferred future can enable you to foster a sense of hopefulness. The use of the SFT ‘miracle question’ helps you to notice what is happening when the problem is not there, and the setting of useful goals after each session can help with focused problem free thinking between sessions.

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©2021 by Olive Tree Therapy Solutions

Please Note:

We do not operate a crisis service. Read this Disclaimer.

If you feel unwell or distressed, please contact your GP, a walk in centre or go to A&E where you will be seen by a team of mental health professionals. Alternatively, call the Samaritans on their free number - 116 123

196-198 Edward Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham. B12 9LX

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